Thursday, October 28, 2010

And so it begins...

Happy Halloween, everyone!  My official Halloween celebrations started off last night with a flat viewing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show since none of my flatmates had seen it.  We invited some of the neighbors as well, and it actually turned out to be a lot of fun.  I'd forgotten how ridiculously long the movie feels though-maybe because usually there are so many people yelling at it I can't be bothered to pay attention :)
Anyways, celebrations continued today with a batch of pumpkin bread (Mom mailed me the Trader Joe's Mix) to which I added chopped apples.  I'm taking it to dance tonight, because I could actually just sit and eat the whole loaf for dinner.  Tomorrow I have a test on the human brain, then we're going to the Halloween party at the theatre down the street from us, called the Bongo Club.  Saturday is still a little up in the air, but this is the advert for the school's party.  It's the freshman mascot, Robert the Moose (I took a picture with him during orientation) performing the Thriller dance.  I'm actually pretty excited about the party, because Teviot, our student union, looks like Hogwarts.

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