Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Weekend in the Country

(can you name that musical?)

I'm off to Sheffield, England for the weekend.  I'm staying at my flatmate's house and we're going to see one of the big estates near her.  She lives right in the middle of a bunch of them, and also near where Pride and Prejudice takes place! Wish I had my Regency clothes with me!

This weekend was orientation for the new international students, and I was recruited to work as a tour guide...some things never change!  My friend Sean was also guiding with me, and I got him to take a few pictures of me in my red hoodie/uniform.  We're standing in front of Bedlam, the only completely student-run theatre in the UK (by U of Edinburgh students, obviously).  It's called Bedlam because it's right near the sight of the old Asylum.

I'm pretty sure I was the only one excited about the asylum stuff...oh, well.  Sean and I had fun, and they fed us lunch.  I'm working at the nursery tomorrow, but I'll finish my Hogmanay posts and share pictures from this weekend when I get back.  Happy Friday!

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