Friday, September 17, 2010


So, it's the end of my first full week at Edinburgh University.  So far, I love living here! But get back to me in a week after I've been in class.  Actually, the past couple of days haven't been super because I'm actually sick with a head cold :(  I'm trying to take it easy, sleep a lot, and drink lots of soup and tea!  So far that's working.  I feel much better than I did this morning, and if I go to bed at a reasonable time hopefully by Monday I'll be in top shape for classes.
Today I mostly stayed home and rested, but I did go to a 3-hour dance workshop hosted by the EU New Scotland Country Dance Society, right up the street at one of the student union buildings.  I've actually already signed up for the group, but this was the first time I got to try some dancing! The workshop focused mainly on Ceilidh (kay-lee) dancing, which is a type of Scottish social dance done with figures and no (or very basic) steps.  To a certain extent it seems to still be taught in schools and is obviously popular, given the number of ceilidhs that have been scheduled for this semester.  I learned some neat dances I had attempted at the really chaotic ceilidh I went to earlier this week, including the Gay Gordons, the Arcadian Strip the Willow, and the Virginia Reel (this version, at least).  Once the dances were explained, they were a lot easier!
To give you an idea of what I mean, here's a video showing the Gay Gordans:

Please be aware that we were NOT this stately, know, old...

The workshop was meant to both instruct students interested in attending any of the (many!) ceilidhs happening on campus this term, but it was also a chance for the EUSCD society to demonstrate all the different styles they do and recruit new members.  To that end, members of the society performed throughout the class and then we were given an opportunity to try each style, including Highland, Step, and Country Dancing.  I even learned my first steps of the Highland Fling! (you can see videos of that in my earlier dance post)
I also met a bunch of new people, and got a surprisingly good workout!  We were all drenched in sweat by the end.

Given that I've been feeling so ill, I was pretty proud of myself for making it through the whole workshop.  I'm taking it easy for the rest of the night, though.  One of my flatmates lent me her copy of St. Trinian's, a modern remake of the old black and white television show The Belles of St. Trinian's.  I'll start that in a minute, and that plus the bowl of porridge (which is one of my new favorite foods!) will be a nice night.

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