Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome to Edinburgh!

So, here's how bad I am at posting: I've been here for four days and this is my first post since arrival.  Oops.  However, I have TWO entries on the way tomorrow! I do have two good excuses for not posting sooner though:

1) Culture Shock:  Something everybody goes through, right?  I assumed it would just be little things, like when I started school in NY and tried to order a frappe.  Well, that might be true but it's also bigger things.  For example, the showers are electric and have to be turned on in order for the water to run.  As this has never been the case in one of my showers before, it took me an hour to figure out how to get water to come out of the shower head.  Turns out you actually can't google everything.  But I did eventually figure it out, and had a lovely rest of the day.  I'll post my pictures of Edinburgh Castle tomorrow.  Here's one for the meantime:
With one of my program friends in front of the main gate
2) Flatmates!  Ok, this isn't really an excuse, but the other people in my flat moved in today (except one).  So I went to the first year hall event with one of them, Ailse, and then hung out with she and our other flatmate Leah for the rest of the night.  About half-way through we were joined by Annie, the last one, and her boyfriend Ian.  They are both very nice as well, from a small liberal arts college environment as well.  We all spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other...which, as many college nights do, eventually boiled down into laughing hysterically at youtube videos.  Tomorrow, the first full day of Freshers' Week (essentially freshman orientation) is International Day.  Which means I have to be there by 10am and then have a meeting with the Director of Studies to officially register for classes.
I don't have pictures with any of my flatmates yet, but you all are with me here too!  Here's my picture-covered bulletin board:

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